
Exploring a wide bunch of random facts and insites into colours that may or may not be often wondered about.

Colours often have a much more profound effect on us than we often like to consider. They can change our moods, influence our thoughs and actions and, believe it or not, they are everywhere you look! *gasp*

some interesting things to explore about these common colurs are:
  1. effects they have on us
  2. how they are used because of these effects
  3. Colours to do with nature and animals
  4. people and colours

The colour Red:

This colour is known to be enegerising, passionate and motivational.It is known for symbolising love and can stimulate our appetite. For this reason it is often uded in restaurants.

As well as stimulating appetite, the colour red can also make you crave other stimulations. Being surrounded by too much red can make you unsettled and agitated, while being around not much red can make you nervous, cautious and manipulative.


Blue is often associated with loyalty, trust, responsibility, and honesty. It is a quiet colour that prompts security and confidence.

